Bug #1: Though we write the sentence in a proper way; uppercases and lowercases, after posting the whole sentence is turned into lowercases!
Bug #2: When I visit the "followers" section of any other users, I can't "follow" the users from there. The "follow" button is greyed out and inactive!
Bug #6: After I've followed any user from the "follow" button right by their post, it shows "following", but the lower posts of the same user still show as "follow" button by their other posts!
Bug #5: Whenever like my own post, there is a new notification saying "You changed your reaction to your post." This is an unnecessary notification!
Feature Request #3: I know it's so common and yet its missed. So, could there be a search button to search users and contents both?
Feature Request #4: Please add an extra column on the homepage to see the FEED from the users I follow here.
Feature Request #1: Right now, we can see only the last six notifications on our notification dropdown, which is not enough. So, please add a "See All" button that opens up in next page displaying at least a day's notification!
Feature Request #2: Please move the comment box from the bottom to the top, right after the post message. In that way, the users won't have scroll down to comment, probably, increasing the engagement/interaction rate!
In my topic preview on my profile from the link!
The "" seems to link in the hyperlink in the title. Not sure if that is intended, but it seems to be a bug and I thought it was a little off.
Also Bug #2: I noticed a lot of my followers randomly disappeared. Not sure if there is account deactivation or they unfollowed, but I thought it was weird how randomly a whole bunch of followers unfollowed out of nowhere.
Small bugs are still full, for example, I put a dislike, and the post still counts as a like
Bug #3: And from my own "Followers" section, though the "follow" and "unfollow" are active and not greyed, once I tap "unfollow" or "follow", the error page comes up.
Bug #4: The notifications keep showing up until I tap the "bell" icon again! The notification drop-down should disappear once anywhere on the screen!
Also general feed back I just noticed that when posting my previous comment I had it all separated by sentence/paragraph and spaces in between and once I hit post it lumped it up into one big giant paragraph.
Bug? User level hasn't and wont increase stuck at 16% haven't receive reward from reaching post requirements.
Feature: I think it would be cool to integrate some sort of bounty type reward program or faucet that you can receive coins that are kept under a separate balance for tip use only. Have it separated into tips you received that can be withdrawn but also have coins that you get that are strictly meant for tipping other users that way it increases the involvement of the user base and its not just taking all the tips for yourself..
Or some sort of achievement / trophy program that you can unlock or a VIP type program for users who are the most active, regularly posting etc.
Some design mistakes..
On mobile leaderbors text is out of the square
On bigger ones popular tab and trending cand be saw in full size, just 70%..the last article can be saw
If the link is from this site a infinite loop can be created on the site frame.
If i delete a post from my profile section, all my posts disapear and i need to refresh to bring them back
Bug #7: There is a time-stamp for the notification missing. I get the notification, but can't know the time of the notification arrival!
Bug #8: The notifications are enabled by default for the posts by the users I'm following to! Can you please fix this, and add custom "bell" like icons if the users want to be notified for the new posts by the followed user?
Recommendation: Allow possibly an expansion to view more of the Leaderboard users or just select 'All' to cascade and view the whole list of the tipped users. Also an Specify option to view the users posts that were only tipped would be interesting. Just throwing it out there! :)
Recommendation: Allow us to add X amount of addresses to Y currency. I'd like to just input all my addresses related to doge/eth/btc and then select which one through a drop down menu of the selected currency address I saved. I have to go open text documents or open a site and grab the addresses over and over which isn't too much of a hassle but saving our addresses to choose from for a deposit would be a nice feature!
Telegram Recommendation: Possible feature for a DogeFaucet of some type or allow us to generate a Doge address on the Tipestry Telegram and be able to view our balance and tip users in the telegram? That would be cool!
Discord Recommendation: It's a nice social application and I think along with the existing Tipestry Telegram it would expand the community and our interactions with eachother.
If I click on a notification and I'm on my profile page it give me error 404.
Another bug, I can't reply if I am on my mobile...............For my previous post with 404 eror, it was on my laptop....
a bug is that i can't wirhdraw from my profile, other bugs are that when i follow another person it gives me an error page even if i started following it
another bug in the increase of the tce level written competes the quest in user info but does not give the compensation and not from other nissions
I noticed that if a link contains a refresh script it can't be added on
Bug #9: I have done more than 10 comments, but my profile page shows only 10 comments:
Bug #10: The reply to a comment is shown as a same reply to a new comment.
When a comment is dropped, there should be a notification of incoming tips...also where are we to add our wallet address so our withdrawal goes direct into our wallet
When a comment is dropped, there should be a notification of incoming tips...also where are we to add our wallet address so our withdrawal goes direct into our wallet
When a comment is dropped, there should be a notification of incoming tips...also where are we to add our wallet address so our withdrawal goes direct into our wallet
When a comment is dropped, there should be a notification of incoming tips...also where are we to add our wallet address so our withdrawal goes direct into our wallet
#1 i don't such big bug.but when i clicked one page its reload after long time.some times it take too long time and i don't found any search button top the top.and i am being newbie 16% still since long time.don't know how to archive expert.
It's slow down sometimes. I suggest there is a way you can upload a content here on tipstry
How do we report a bug is the question. Im not getting any tips on my post since a week now. The email address that you had issued is not working as well. Kindly assist
Bug Report:
I have two posts on my account. However, I deleted one of them. In my profile, it still says that I have two posts, but my deleted post isn't showing up.
Big Bug of Tipestry is WIthdraw request SLow i request withdraw 1 month a go i ddnt recieve my withdraw in wallet please noted this and improve this iam fan of tipestry
I have 2 followers, but on the home page it says I have 0 followers. It also says I'm following 2 people. This isn't true as currently I'm not following anyone. When I go to my profile, everything is correct.